Cancer Gave Me Courage To Be Seen

Cancer-free with a whole new purpose in life because of the experience I had from Cancer. It may sound unusual yet that one moment in my life, hearing, “You have Cancer,” gave me a voice, an unexplainable power, a loud and urgent shove to show up in the world with a message. Time to be visible and no longer hide behind “my mother’s skirt” anymore like I did when I was a shy little girl. Cancer gave me the ability to see and be seen.

Reiki and Shifting Attitudes Around Cancer

When I was diagnosed with cancer 9 years ago, what I first noticed was the fear that is associated with it. Totally understandable. The fear in the doctor's voice when she told me over the phone. The fear I felt in my gut when I heard the news. The look o ...

Dar in Lincoln City OR edit06[1]

What NOT To Avoid, Be Brave

  Get Your Brave On! event for February continues! Keep visiting to join and follow the community of fellow bravehearts! What do you think is the scariest phone call or visit to make for a cancer s ...


Forward March!

It took me to have cancer to see that I am a brave woman. My hope is that you can discover your strength under less stressful situations. For the month of February, I created an event on facebook called Get Your Brave On! ...

Dar in Lincoln City OR edit06[1]

Your Voice, Your Brave

Finding your voice and the confidence to speak up and out is where my series on Unleash Your Brave continues as does the Get Your Brave On! Challenge event. This event is an opportunity to heal AND win a Energetic Reboot Healing session (you can join th ...

Unleash Your Brave!

When I was a little girl, everything to me was scary. Leaving my house, going to the grocery store, talking to strangers, and riding the school bus for the first time at the age of 5 in 1973 (neither the bus driver nor I knew where my stop was and I was ...