What NOT To Avoid, Be Brave

Dar in Lincoln City OR edit06[1]


Get Your Brave On! event for February continues! Keep visiting https://www.facebook.com/events/398956176906475/ to join and follow the community of fellow bravehearts!

What do you think is the scariest phone call or visit to make for a cancer survivor? You guessed it, a doctor’s office! Now, one might think, “Geez, if you’ve already been there, wouldn’t you know better how important that is?”

Well, yes, I do. However, no one wants to hear that they’re sick, needing medical attention immediately nevermind hearing it twice. That is a dilemma I face often. My mom asks weekly, “Have you had your first mammogram yet, Darlene? You know it can save your life. Please get one. I had cancer. Both your grandmothers had it. Please!”

Even before I did research on the benefits and hazards of mammograms, I would take that referral from my doctor and carry it around with me for months in fear of what might actually turn up if I went. It would end up in the trash. It took me two years, well, maybe a bit longer, to visit the dermatologist after my melanoma and lymph node removal surgeries. Yup. This was traumatic for my whole family and husband the longer I kept putting off a mole patrol. Nothing is now more terrifying for me than a visit to the doctor’s office.

And to make matters worse, I eat everything bad for me when I know I have to do something I don’t want to do. This recently had really gone way out of control. The more sugary foods I ate, the more I wanted. I’ve been gluten free for almost 2 years and started to slowly add it back into my diet. Oh my goodness, the taste of ciabatta bread with butter again! Heavenly…….

Result, ugh. Fatigue, migraines came back, sluggish, no motivation, and down right felt like shit! For months!

Well, my friends, I got my brave on and finally went to the doctor. Luckily, I found an amazing physician and this is key to our health. I’ve had at least 10 since I’ve lived in Portland. This week I started a whole new regiment and it is TOUGH but is going to be so worth it. Life, feeling better, knowing I am truly taking care of my body in all ways, not just energetically. I have been off sugar now for 3 days and although I am craving a huge piece of tiramasu, I gotta hang in there because if I don’t, sugar is what equals cancer. And I sure as hell don’t want to go through that again!

There are all kinds of things our bodies are telling us, not just one as simple and obvious as STOP EATING SO MUCH SUGAR. What is most important is that we stop and listen to our bodies and I recommend doing it before it gets out of control like my sugar addiction did. I kept hearing SUGAR=CANCER. I am doing well but would not have to be going through sugar withdrawal if I had paid attention sooner.

So, bravehearts, be brave, listen to your body, and act when it tells you to. That inner voice, that’s your intuition talking to you, your soul wanting you to live and thrive and take care of yourself. Being brave is being smart.

Exercise #4 for our Get Your Brave On! is do something in the next 3 days that you really find scary but know you must face. Is your body telling you something you are ignoring? Is there an issue on the back burner causing stress the longer it is left unresolved. Inhale. Exhale. Consider how to move forward. Your first step can simply be writing down an approach. Make a list of how you can undertake this project. Call in your heavenly guidance and trust. Be brave, be strong, and know you are always loved and supported.

Please add comments, here or on the events link, and call in community!

Visit www.InsyncEnergy.com and read more about the work I offer.

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