Reiki is Unique and Personal


There was a time when I would pause and sweat when someone would ask me to explain Reiki. It’s an explanation that is best understood when served as a demonstration. In short, Reiki is a Japanese healing practice that promotes stress reduction and relaxation. That is what most people receive from it on the surface of their Reiki experience.

What comes next is literally different for each receiver because Reiki provides whatever is needed for each individual. One person, after working with Reiki, may sleep more deeply. Where as another finds she has an extra bounce in her step. I have heard from one of my clients, after only one session, her first Reiki experience, her grandparents came to her as she was on my table. With her eyes closed, she saw herself floating on a riverboat and her grandparents waved to her from the shore. She missed and loved them very much. She needed to ‘hear from them’ and ‘see them’ that day as part of her healing.

So, now, when someone asks me what is Reiki, I reply, “It is a connection to whatever it is you are needing at the time of the experience.”

If you need peace, Reiki allows you peace. If your body is asking for love, it supplies your heart with an unexplainable sensation of warmth and tenderness.

Reiki becomes what you seek, what your soul seeks that you may not even be aware of yet. That is also why I teach Reiki privately. Each student, while receiving the traditional teachings with me, is also given space for healing while being trained. Even the Reiki energy during the classes creates a strong vibration that opens the door for healing. I have seen intense shifts while teaching and the students are quite thankful to have had the intimate and personal experience with only me present.

Reiki can be received as a one time session. Or, for long term effects, you can learn how to give yourself, and others, Reiki as a student of Reiki training. Imagine always being able to give yourself what you need, even if you don’t know exactly what that is on a conscious level. Reiki knows. Your soul knows. Together you get what you need.

Learn more here about Reiki and Reiki training with me at Insync Energy:

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