Cancer Gave Me Courage To Be Seen


Picture #1 Before Cancer
Picture #2 During Cancer
Picture #3 11 Years After Cancer

Cancer-free with a whole new purpose in life because of the experience I had from Cancer. It may sound unusual yet that one moment in my life, hearing, “You have Cancer,” gave me a voice, an unexplainable power, a loud and urgent shove to show up in the world with a message. Time to be visible and no longer hide behind “my mother’s skirt” anymore like I did when I was a shy little girl. Cancer gave me the ability to see and be seen.

Sometimes something happens that demands a shift, an action, a push out of that comfortable space. Waking up one day and realizing that it is not about “me”. It is about the bigger picture. The world. A message. This goes way beyond a story, a personal experience, a destination for personal growth.

It is that second I realized this is not just about healing myself or celebrating successes. I ask, “How can I contribute to the entire planet?” That ripple effect of one action taken. Then simply allowing it to expand across the water to wherever it needs to go without concerning myself with how many people it will reach or change or save. Knowing deeply and lovingly that sharing and speaking out about Cancer and health and choice and joy will find its way to those who would receive and benefit from hearing this message.

This focus changes the energy of its potency-the pure intention is to be visible so the MESSAGE can be heard and seen. My role is to speak of healthy choices and possibilities, self-advocacy, the importance of self truths and how to create a life filled with more joy than strife. If I remain invisible and work only to heal thyself, what a huge opportunity would be missed to contribute to the health of the world! It would be easy to hold up in my house and do Reiki and meditate all day. Yet, why keep the lessons I’ve learned inside? Why not stand in front of whoever will listen, without fear or hesitation, and share?

Every day I heal and learn from Cancer and all of the other experiences in life. Each chance I am given to share with You how health, truth, and joy is your choice and your choice alone, I now rush to embrace as I do with life after having Cancer. Every moment is a chance to ask, “In what way, right now, can I contribute to…….[this conversation, relationship, decision, planet, friend, animal, situation] and it shifts the energy out of any fear about being too visible or what others might think. It places the focus on the infinite comfort, blessings, and joy Your visibility contributes to everyone around and beyond You!

Ask as you begin your day, not how you can serve (slave or work for) but bigger yet, “What can I do today that contributes to everyone and everything?” It can be as easy as smiling to strangers walking down the street or holding the door open for the person behind you. The power of visibility and a message is in contributing to all that is. Know your message, your deepest concerns, and passions, and Let’s Get Visible!

So much of the message and healing work I provide is preparing sacred space for you in which to feel safe and free. In that peaceful place, you are more likely to allow and receive the clarity you seek and the healing you crave. It is not about “giving” or “teaching” you Reiki. It is setting the stage for you to practice being visible (pun intended!) and, if you choose, how to use your passions and lessons as a contribution to help heal the planet in your own way.

Do you feel a deep desire to share a message?
Is there some underlying healing required to uncover the clarity of your message?
Here is an invitation to explore more about your inner knowings and in what ways
you truly want to show up in the world:

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