Imaginations Are Not just For Kids!


This month and all of July I felt as if I have been clawing my way to the top, trying desperately to find the way out of the cavernous whole I seemed to be in. Figuratively and literally searching for air to breathe. Sometimes, when faced with what appears to be a problem, is the Universe giving you the way out.

Unfortunately, for me this time, since I was already in that ‘fight or flight’ mode mentally and emotionally, my answer from the Universe to get out of the airless cavern caused panic attacks and actual airway tightening, unable to breathe body symptoms.

I would think that after being told I had cancer 8 years ago, that nothing would ever feel quite like that again. But, to my surprise, this message did feel that way. Fear, doubt, anxiety-holy crap! It is lasting longer than my reaction did to a cancer diagnosis.

As I search for peace and a doorway leading me to the fresh air, the messages I keep hearing again and again, from friends, intuitive readings I have been seeking, and from my own intuition, is CREATE A VISION OF WHAT MY DREAMS AND INTENTIONS LOOK LIKE. THE UNIVERSE WILL PROVIDE IF I SHOW IT WHAT I WANT TO CREATE.

For this month, I invite you to join me in envisioning something you want to manifest in your life right now. We can begin with something small. Imagine, find a picture of what it looks like-google images and see if you can find the perfect picture to focus on that represents what you would like. Let’s focus on that image, let’s allow our brain to believe we have it. Feel it, conjure the emotions around what it would feel like to have. Dance with that in your heart and soul. Live as if it already is.

I’ve done this before and sometimes I forget how easy it can be.

Here I go again. I have chosen my first image. Have you? Join me and share below. I would love to hear how it goes for you! I am a Warrior persevering through it all, successfully and joyfully.

If you feel as if you require healing around what you would like to manifest, if you believe you are not good enough, smart enough, creative enough, I say bologna! We are all divine beings and our creator truly wants us to experience happiness and feel success and love. I can quickly help you step beyond this initial block with a 10 minute guided meditation your angels walk you through! Interested in learning more:

Imagine, have fun with it, be a kid again! Love to you on your journey!


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