I don't know about you, but as this year progresses, so do my personal challenges. Time is moving quickly and I often feel as if I have to catch up to it. To what I am not even sure. To a goal, a person, a business plan, my house cleaning, the ...
Get Your Brave On! Challenge
In my previous post, I talked about bravery, the act of doing something that frightens us. This can be anything outside your comfort zone. For me, when I was little, it was asking the McDonald's cashier for a packet of ketchup! Well, while praying and c ...
Ah, There I Am!
From the time we are born there are expectations, labels, beliefs, and ideas that we soak up and are etched into our brains, even our DNA! Expectations like roles men and women SHOULD play, beliefs that come along with a family's religion and up ...
Healing is a Committment and a Process
When I recall hearing the words, “You have cancer,” I remember wanting to fall to the floor. I felt and heard my heart beating like never before. Everything seemed to turn into slow motion. The unexplainable emotions grip the soul, the sleepless nights, ...