When I was a little girl, everything to me was scary. Leaving my house, going to the grocery store, talking to strangers, and riding the school bus for the first time at the age of 5 in 1973 (neither the bus driver nor I knew where my stop was and I was ...
Ah, There I Am!
From the time we are born there are expectations, labels, beliefs, and ideas that we soak up and are etched into our brains, even our DNA! Expectations like roles men and women SHOULD play, beliefs that come along with a family's religion and up ...
Healing From The Grace of the Earth
When we heal, it is an inward journey, restoring our bodies emotionally, energetically, physically, mentally, and spiritually. We can find assistance with this from the outer world, the Earth and all Her glorious love and then bring it into heal u ...
Exercising Emotional Health
There is so much talk and truth about the importance of physical health, exercise, and nutrition-the 3-D parts of us. There is an aspect of our bodies that go unnoticed, ignored, pushed way down deep hoping never to be seen again. Emotions, the voice ...