From the time we are born there are expectations, labels, beliefs, and ideas that we soak up and are etched into our brains, even our DNA! Expectations like roles men and women SHOULD play, beliefs that come along with a family's religion and up ...
Imaginations Are Not just For Kids!
This month and all of July I felt as if I have been clawing my way to the top, trying desperately to find the way out of the cavernous whole I seemed to be in. Figuratively and literally searching for air to breathe. Sometimes, when faced with what appe ...
Healing From The Grace of the Earth
When we heal, it is an inward journey, restoring our bodies emotionally, energetically, physically, mentally, and spiritually. We can find assistance with this from the outer world, the Earth and all Her glorious love and then bring it into heal u ...
What Truly Matters
When we are in doubt, the times life seems to be the most challenging and unforgiving, there is a surefire way to reconnect to faith and all that truly matters. Nature in all its glory. Sit in on this show and listen to the sights and sounds of Mother E ...